Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL540 TUL540 Urban Theology Process

Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Course: TUL540 TUL540 Urban Theology Process
Describe and illustrate the essential Describe and illustrate the

elements of managing research and essential elements of managing

evaluation projects in sensitive research and evaluation projects in

sensitive communities
Able to inobtrusively conduct needs Skilled in entrance to a Understands participant-observer Values non-intrusive Seeks to meet needs

research in a community using community in the five roles of and needs research methodologies research methodolgies

participant-observer approaches learner, servant, story-teller,

intrecessor, friend
Frame questions in a manner that can Frame questions in a manner

facilitate research and evaluation design that can facilitate research and

and strategies while focusing on evaluation design and

stakeholder interests strategies while focusing on

stakeholder interests
Compare and contrast major theoretical Describe the primary Compare and contrast major

orientations of urban research design. differences between and theoretical orientations of urban

Describe the primary differences relative strengths and research design

between and relative strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and

weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative approaches to

quantitative approaches to research and
Design a church growth or community Design a church growth or

study that identifies a problem or community study that

purpose, frames questions, proposes a identifies a problem or

specific qualitative or quantitative purpose, frames questions,

method, identifies the data to be proposes a specific qualitative

collected, and proposes the analysis or quantitative method,

identifies the data to be

collected, and proposes the

analysis strategy with
Explain the implications of Christian Explain the implications of

theism on research design and Christian theism on research

design and implementation
Understands qualitative and quantitative Understands qualitative and

research methods, case study analysis, quantitative research methods,

participant observer studies of case study analysis, participant

communities, church growth analysis, observer studies of communities,

networking analysis, change analysis, church growth analysis, networking

and other types of action research analysis, change analysis, and

other types of action research
Know how to undertake urban research Know how limit the scope of understand qualitative and

developing the background to the the research project, define the quantitative research methods,

research task, stating the purpose and assumptions, state the case study analysis, participant

goal so a research hypotheses is definitions, and review the observer studies of communities,

developed from the goal precedent research. able to church growth analysis, networking

critically evaluate the data analysis, change analysis, and

collected for a research project other types of action research.

and report the conclusions

with objectivity

29/01/2007 5:24:33 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2007, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 10 of 23
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Last updated: 10/29/08.